Currently raising money for the trip :) If you would like to donate, please let me know! You can donate money towards the trip and/or donate supplies! You can make checks out to Vision Missions International & mail them to me. I need to send them in together, and will be making out a check for the difference.
I will be booking my flight next week, so that's exciting! :)
Thank you soo much for any support!
Here is a list of supplies that you can contribute towards the trip. I would focus more on the medicine and smaller items, so that I can bring more. Clothes and things like that take up more room.
*Toothbrushes *Toothpaste *Shampoo *Conditioner *Small Toys *Crayons *Pencils & Pens *Writing Tablets *Childrens Clothes *Childrens Shoes *Tylenol *Vitamins-Children *Vitamins-Adult *Soap *Hydrocortisone Cream *Pepto-Bismol *Ibuprofen *Baby Powder *Aspirin *Cough Medicine *Hair Brushes *Band-Aids
A HUGE praise to report, is that my dentist (Vista Pacific Dental ~ Oxnard, CA) donated a TON of toothpaste & toothbrushes for my trip! It was a huge surprise, and I am so thankful for their generosity. I can't wait to deliver them in Haiti to the many people in need. :)
Another friend of mine went and bought a lot of medicines to donate, so that is also awesome!
Your donations of supplies and/or funds for the trip will go a long way! Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Sending many blessings your way :) |